
My research focuses on how people build communities of belonging and representation on online platforms and spaces. I am particularly interested in youth digital rights and advocating for a more inclusive digital environment rooted in systemic design.

Cognitive Structure:
How do the communal characteristics of these platforms, such as identification tags and gathering rooms, provide youth with a space of representation? How do platforms act as catalysts for social justice and cultural sustainability?

Participatory design:
I believe design connects the pragmatic to the emotional; bridging the gap between theory and practice. For children, free play is essential to their development, growth, and social well-being. In the context of the online environment, how can we co-design with youth to create a more playful digital world where their digital rights are valued?

Current Work:
I explore the socio-cultural interactions and perceptions of moderation on Twitch about youth. How do Twitch's cognitive structure and communal characteristics provide solace in building community and acting as catalysts for social justice and self-expression? How do moderation restrictions limit the platform’s affordances, extent of availability for representation, and creation of inclusive design interventions?

I am a former HCI researcher in Professor Johanna Brewer’s Inclusive Design Lab